We went to John Muir trail, which was loads of fun. We ended up actually staying there only one night, which turned out to be a good thing for about a bazillion reasons. First of all, it poured on Saturday night, so we would have gotten soaked. Secondly when we returned Saturday night we both began to itch. We suddenly realized that we were COVERED with bug bites. Not just any bites though. Arlen has a nice smattering of mosquito and spider bites, while I have those, plus a nice little batch of chigger bites for good measure.
Yesterday morning we were both going so crazy that we made an emergancy trip to Walgreens. There we picked up calamine lotion, After Bite Xtra and fingernail polish (for the chiggers). I'm telling you, if the itching doesn't stop soon, I'm going to loose it!!!!
But you know, even with all of the itching, I'd say this weekend was a big success! God brought us both back to Him in a very real way - which is what we needed! As usual, God reminded me this: "If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself" 1Timothy 2:13

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