So, I'm realizing the importance of blogging again. It's not to get my grand ideas out there to share with the world what's going on in my life. It's not to build a strong community. It's not to share advice. It's to help build my relationship with God.
That may sound like an odd reason, but it couldn't be any closer to the truth. I am someone who processes my thoughts, who makes sense of life by sharing. I am a talker by nature. However, in this day in age it is hard to come by people to listen. Even if I did, there is only so much I can say at once. Blogging gives me an opportunity to internalize, sort thorough, and apply what I'm learning.
Sometimes it's hard to make things concise. Sometimes it's hard to make things make sense at all, but that struggling through my thoughts, that sticking through until something comes out, tends to make all the difference in the world.
So, I am going to try to do just that. I am going to try to blog more. Hold me to it too. If you haven't seen a blog in a while, ask me why. And pray for me. Pray that this blog does not become something that's all about my cooking or how good I am at this or that. I may share some of these things at times, but this should never become my focus. If no one ever reads this blog, I pray that through my writings and ramblings I may draw closer to God. If others do read it, I pray that it may provoke some deeper thinking in their minds that they may draw closer to their Heavenly Father.
So, with a whirlwind racing through my mind, I am going to jot a few notes about some of the important things that I want to share, but must save for other blogs (writing about them all now would produce a volume far too large for one entry).
This is the book I'm currently reading. It's "Education" by Ellen G. White. I am learning so much from this book, and I look forward to sharing insights with you. I really think that this is a great read for Teachers, Parents, or anyone who comes into contact with children at any point. In fact this book has great stuff for people who don't do anything of the sort. It has truly been a blessing to me.
The lesson that I'm currently learning is self-discipline. I have a long way to go, but God is helping me. I know I can't do anything on my own. When I see that pile of dishes that needs to be washed I am learning to stop trying to muster up the discipline to just get up and do them. Rather, I'm learning to turn to God and say, "Lord, I don't want to do them, but please, help me do them anyway." He usually not only helps me, but gives me a cheerful heart as well.
The last thing I'm learning is how to love my husband more. I won't go into much detail as I'm just beginning to touch the surface of this area. I just know that I have been pleading with God for such a long time to show me what it means to be a wife. He is starting to show me step-by-step.
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