Sunday, June 10, 2007

Is Anyone Listening?

So, this has been killing me for a while. I've been wondering...who is really reading my blog? Is anyone reading my blog? Are my words simply slipping into oblivion? If that's the case, I'm kind of sad, but I will not stop writing. I could never stop writing. There is something powerful about putting my thoughts into words, about taking time to really reflect on God's work in my life, about recognizing His workings. So no, I won't stop writing, I just wanted to know...who's listening.


Arlen said...

I'm listening :) I know I never comment, but I've been reading all your posts for quite some time. It makes me want to blog too, but I haven't gotten up quite enough steam yet. I'll keep reading hoping for just a little more inspiration :)

Kristin said...

Well, I just recently discovered that you have a blog :) I haven't had time to go through and read all of the blogs you have on here, but I'm reading and listening to your thoughts. Hopefully soon I'll have some time to read some older blogs.