Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Crazies...

Yup, I've got those. I don't want to do anything but I have so much to do! (Does this sound familiar?) Well, if you're wondering why this sudden burst of craziness hit, I will tell you. (If you're not wondering, you can stop reading now, and I promise I won't hold it against you.)

Here's the deal. This summer I already had the following items on my list:

1) Work (wherever I can, as much as I can - right now Thatcher and Thatcher South)
2) Keep up with the house (this includes deep cleaning, gardening, and lots of fun from-scratch cooking)
3) Joshua's House (I'm starting a non-profit, it takes a lot of time, okay)

As you can see, my summer was already going to be pretty busy. But now, there's more. My husband and I have been spending a lot of time praying about finances and what God has in store for us, what His will is. While we have no clue what the next little while holds in general, it is clear that my husband's company just doesn't have enough workers. So guess what - I'm going to be doing a lot of organizing and the like for Aspen Web Design.

I know it's crazy. I'm not quite sure how 3rd summer secession will work. Aspen, on top of my other two jobs, not counting anything for Joshua's House, will put me at at least 55 hours of work a week!! AHHHH. But God will help me.

That's what I'm learning today. He has a plan and as long as I turn to Him and allow Him to be my guide I can know that it will all be okay. The hard part for me is the letting go part. I like to sit down and make schedules and figure everything out and KNOW how I'm going to fit every little detail in. However, I know I must resist the urge.

Pretty much, this is what God is trying to say to me:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heat and do not lean on your own understanding. IN all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fer the Lord and turn away form evil." ~Proverbs 3:5-7

So, I'm a little overwhelmed, but I know that God WILL help me. I just have to be willing to let Him choose my priorities. :D

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My Quest for Health

Okay, so here is the deal. A while back my doctor told me I have to lose weight (for those of you wondering, I'm not overweight). The reasons are long, boaring and complicated, and I won't get into them now. Anyway, I don't just want to loose weight, I want to be healthy - really healthy. I want to learn how to take care of my body, and how to teach people to take care of theirs. Here are some problems I've been running in to:

1) Most diet programs focus on just weight loss and tend to leave out the total health issue.

2) It's almost impossible to find a diet program for a vegan who does not buy pre-packaged foods.

3) Contradictions. It seems that for everything that's said there are 10 completely different things stated on the same topic. (ex. Carbs are bad, Carbs are good)

4) There is no simple way to understand proper nutrition. How much is a serving? What does 1200 calories look like? And what in the world do you categorize foods as? Some places say beans are carbs, other say they are protein!!

5) What constitutes a good exercise program? How must strength training, cardo? When I'm on cardion workouts does my goal need to be to keep my heart rate up, or to push myself as hard as I can? What exercise routine is really healthy?

6) What are exercising options? People say it needs to be fun, but I just haven't hit on that yet.

7) What is a balanced diet? I mean what vitamins and minerals need to be included, how many of them, where can I get them?

8) What constitutes a good multivitamin? What supplements should I be taking?

Okay, I could go on, but I think You get my point. I've looked in books and books, and it seems that there are so many contradictions, and people make such broad generalizations that I can't seem to find anything that's actually helpful! RAHH! Oh, and all these things are so expensive! I do not have a lot of money to spend on memberships or special foods. I just want to have a natural healthy lifestyle. I know that one of the things that most books talk about is having a low level of stress. Does this industry realize the stress that all of their incongruences and overabundance of only partially useful information causes?

So, this is my current struggle. I don't really know what to do, or where to go, or how to begin this health journey. I do know one thing. I don't drink near enough water. I know that water effects our skin, our appetite, and our overall health in so many ways. For that reason, my first step on this quest for health is going to be to drink 80 ounces of water a day (that's four times of filling up my water bottle). But I can't go from drinking hardly any water to drinking 80 oz just like that, so my beginning goal: Drink at least 40oz of water a day. If I can keep that going, next week I'll increase it to the full 80 oz.

Let's see how all this goes!

The Mad Dash to...Forgiveness

Last night I was worked until close to 1am. I was crazy tired when I got home. As I cuddled up to my husband, he told me he would let me sleep in in the morning. By that I thought he meant somewhere in the neighborhood of 7am (seeing that's late for a morning that I have to work). To my surprise, I woke up at 8:21! I jumped out of my bed and scrambled to the bathroom to get ready. "Arlen," I shouted, "I was supposed to be at work 20 minutes ago!" All of a sudden it was a mad dash to get me ready for work. As Arlen patiently gathered the items I called out, "I need my work shirt, and khakis, and an undershirt, and some socks...Ahhhh! I can't find my ID card," together, we got me out the door, and I arrived at work at 8:31!

Needless to say, when I arrived at work, I was very sleepy and a bit bemuddled, but as I sat and spent time talking to Jesus, I realized something. It is so clear that He has been working in my life. My typical response to being so late to work would be first to snap at Arlen for not getting me up earlier, then to beat up on myself for all of the ways that I could have possibly slipped up to make such a thing happen. I would have droned on and on about how irresponsible I am and would have let it ruin my day. Yet, Jesus calmed me.

Yes, being late to work would mean that I would miss that pay for the day. Being late might mean that I would get in trouble at work. Being late meant that I didn't get a shower before coming to work and that breakfast would be late. I would have some consequences. However, that's not where it ended. I was already late when I woke up, I could not change that, so I decided I would do my best to get to work as fast as I could - and I did. Arlen had not made a mistake, there was simply a misunderstanding, so why blame Him? When it all comes down to it, this is what I really discovered. I cannot continually beat myself up for every mistake I make. I must take responsibility for my slip ups, and accept whatever consequences go along with them, but then I must learn from them and move on.

Then, suddenly I was hit with a better understanding of God's love and forgiveness. When we sin, there are consequences, there is no way around that. However, rather than beating ourselves up and gloating, we can learn from those mistakes, allow them to help us grow, and move on. Christ has covered our sins and has fully forgiven us. He wants us to live like His forgive children.

I can't help but wonder if this is what Jesus was talking about in Matthew 11:28-30 when He said,
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

This is me at work - Thrown together, but forgiven!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Being Rich

Even though I am poor when it comes to money and other worldly measures, I am really quite rich. I am rich in love, and in happiness. God has poured His blessings out on me and my husband. Not to mention that but our Father has all the resources in the whole world, AND, he has given us eternal life. Rich...yeah, I'm rich. :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Only Slightly Bored

I haven't posted today, so I thought I would. I really have absolutly nothing in mind as far as what I'm writing, so we'll see what happens. I'm working as a D.A. in the dorm today. It's really a good job and it pays really well, but there are rather dull moments in which there is nothing to all. I am currently faced with one of those moments. Arlen will be here soon to pick me up for a lunch break, and that will be nice. But, in the mean time I am going to fill up this space with a bunch of randomness.

There have been a few things today that I have not been particularly eager to do. However, there is nothing that bad, and I have absolutly no room to complain. I am trying to remember 1 Peter 4:10-11, and am praying that God will give me a cheerful working spirit.
"As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever, Amen."

So that's pretty much it. There is not a whole lot else going on. Thanks for reading this ramble if you've made it all the way to the end. If you haven't however (and I guess at this point I'm talking to myself), that's okay - I totally understand.

Well I hope you have a wonderful day! Remember to stay connected to the Source!!

Friday, May 11, 2007


So, I know I posted about how discouraged and unmotivated I was earlier today. However, God helped me to rummage up enough motivation to get a few things done. No, my day didn't end up being fantastic, but it wasn't bad either. The neat thing is that throughout the day I was filled with joy because God helped me to remember Colossians 3:23, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." And that's just what I did.

So, here are some pictures from what I did on my ordinary day that Jesus made extraordinary!


Yeah, I'm pretty much discouraged and unmotivated, and I'm not really sure why. I mean there are tons of reasons I could be discouraged I guess. I don't want to list them though, cause that will just make it worse. I have no motivation. There are about 5 things I could/should be doing right now, and I don't want to do any of them. The problem is that there is nothing in particular I would rather do. I just really don't want to do anything. Grrr - this is such a frustrating mood to be in. I need motivation, I need to be cheered up, I need to turn to Jesus, I need...I don't even know what I need. Anyway, it was good to get this off my chest. Thanks for letting me ramble.

But, things are going to change I'm going to go take my shower, get dressed and clean up this office before work at noon. Hold me to that. On my mark...get set...GO!